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Product Catalog
User Guide Manual
Product FAQ (CS)
How can we help you with your product?
For product-related inquiries, check the FAQs below or contact us at We'll respond promptly.
QHow many photos can I take after charging?
It may vary depending on X-ray shooting conditions, but on average, you can take between 200 and 300 images per full charge, with approximately 100 shots taken in the chest imaging mode.
QHow long does the battery charge?
The charging time is about an hour.
QHow long does the battery last?
The battery warranty period is one year and must be replaced in case of performance degradation
QWhat is the weight of the product?
The product weighs about 2.4kg.
QCan I take it off if I buy an additional collimator?
Available as an option and must be used with one fixed.
QIs it compatible with the detector being used in the hospital?
If your product is a digital detector, it is compatible.
QCan I check the video in conjunction with PACS?
It can be integrated with PACS used in the hospital.
QDoes the shooting program only work on the laptop?
You can use it by setting it up on your desktop.
Q(Galaxy, iPad) Can I shoot with a tablet?
Only available in tablats (surfaces) with Windows-based operating systems installed.
QIs it possible to install the video shooting software in several units?
Only one license is available and only one PC is available.
QDoes KA6 have AI built in?
No, the AI of SW using the detector should be used.
QWho can operate it when taking an X-ray?
It can be operated by a doctor or radiographer.
QWhat's the best shooting distance?
1M or closer from the detector
QWhat is the range of the body that can be photographed?
You can take pictures of major body parts such as the head, abdomen, chest, spine, hands, and feet.
Contact Information
+82-2-6930-5891 | Sales Team
+82-70-4610-2436 | CS Team
+82-2-6930-5892 | Sales Team | CS Team